Physical Therapists’ Guide to Starting an Outpatient Clinic
If you want to start your own physical therapy clinic, you need a plan to find the offices, providers, and patients you'll need for long-term success.

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Starting an outpatient clinic is a big decision, and not necessarily for everyone. As a startup clinic owner—especially in a single-provider clinic—there’s more risk, stress, and responsibility and less free time than if you simply worked for someone else. You'll have to focus on providing great patient care while working to hone your business skills—something PTs are not always known for excelling at.
But, as physical therapist and clinic owner Kaci Monroe explains in 7 Lessons Learned from Opening a PT Private Practice, opening a practice doesn’t have to be complicated as long as you’re willing to roll up your sleeves: “Everything’s out there that you can imagine. It’s much easier to start a business nowadays than even 10 years ago. Everything is online. You can get everything that you need to start. You just have to do the work.”
So, do you have what it takes to start a physical therapy clinic? Do you possess enough motivation and internal drive? Are you ready to get your hands dirty? If you’re still serious about starting your own private practice therapy clinic, read on to learn more about deciding on a management strategy, finding the right location, purchasing equipment, selecting software, and choosing a specialty.
What kind of practice do you want?
Solo Leadership or Partnership
One of the first things you should consider when thinking about opening your own practice is whether you plan to run it on your own or with a partner. There are many benefits to bringing in another party. Partners can often provide what you’re missing—whether that be money, experience, relationships, or business acumen. In other words, bringing in a partner may fill a critical gap, and in turn, allow you to achieve even greater success than you could accomplish on your own. Plus, you’ll have someone with whom to share the risk and the reward—because we hear it can be pretty lonely at the top.
Make your dreams of practice ownership a reality.
Download our step-by-step guide to opening an outpatient private practice.
So, is the old saying that two heads are better than one true? Maybe, maybe not. For example, some of the risks associated with forming a partnership can result in:
- Loss of control;
- Conflicts over differences of opinion; and
- Dangers of mixing business and pleasure (if you go into business with a friend or family member, that is).
That’s why entering into a partnership is not something to take lightly—especially considering that getting out of a partnership is always much harder than getting into one. WebPT strongly recommends seeking legal counsel before entering into any business arrangement.
If going solo as a single-provider clinic still feels like the right business decision for your new practice, you’ll be happy to know there are some benefits to go along with your increased risk—like having the freedom to make your own decisions and receiving all the profits. But then again, you also deal with all the debt and all of the administrative burden.
If neither going solo nor partnering up sounds quite right for you, you could always join a group practice and benefit from the experience of other savvy business/therapy professionals. In this case, you won’t have to invest in space or equipment, and you’ll get all the perks of an already established—and hopefully successful—practice.
Looking for some more guidance on how to choose? Ask yourself the following questions (and we suggest being really honest with yourself about your answers):
- Do you prefer working with a team or on your own?
- Do you enjoy having people around to interact with regularly?
- Are your skills well-balanced? In other words, in addition to being an excellent clinician, are you also good at building relationships, communicating clearly and consistently, handling complicated finances, launching successful marketing campaigns, and implementing and maintaining technology? If not, could you hire to fill the gaps?
- Do you focus on the big picture or the day-to-day details? If your answer isn’t “both,” who’s going to focus on the other one?
- Do you know exactly what you want your practice to be like? Will it be difficult for you if things don’t turn out just as you pictured?
- Are you confident enough to launch a startup clinic on your own?
For more information on types of business structures and their benefits, check out this article on Choosing the Best Legal Structure for Your Practice.
Alternative Business Models
Whatever path you choose to take in starting your own private practice, keep in mind that numerous settings and business models may best suit your personal and business goals. The following list will help you learn more about a growing field of diverse PT-owned business models.
1. Multidisciplinary Care Teams
This model is designed to improve patient experience, increase satisfaction with healthcare services, and reduce the overall cost of care. Here are some added benefits of integrated care teams:
- They create a more well-rounded approach to care;
- They reduce patient healthcare spending;
- They allow for more efficient referral processes; and
- They improve health outcomes through provider collaboration.
2. Subscription-Based or Concierge Services
While many practices offer subscriptions to wellness or gym services, some are taking the subscription model a step further with concierge care. That means these practices provide patients immediate access to all services in exchange for a monthly or annual fee. This model works because it:
- Helps health-focused patients avoid hefty copays and long waits;
- Reduces long-term healthcare spending on preventable illnesses; and
- Creates a steady revenue stream for providers.
The concierge model is also a great option for startups and single-provider clinics because it eliminates the insurance contract negotiation process and provides a steady, predictable revenue stream. It’s also much more cost-effective than the traditional clinic model—especially for mobile concierge practices. After all, opting to forego a brick-and-mortar store will significantly reduce your overhead—and boost your earnings as a result!
3. Gym Partnerships
Rehab therapists can also use their vast understanding of anatomy, physiology, and neurological conditions to serve individuals in a gym setting, helping to connect those individuals who have neuro or mobility issues to gym routines that meet their needs. Do you have a specific niche? This model isn’t exclusive to the traditional gym setting. Many specialty gyms—such as “neuro gyms” and “autism gyms”—benefit from the expertise of a physical therapist. And of course, splitting the rent with a gym is a budget-friendly option.
Legal Considerations
If you decide a gym partnership is the best option for you, there are a few things to consider before you dive in headfirst. Therapists working in gym settings must take extra precautions because, as we mention in Real Talk: The Downside of Providing Wellness Services in Rehab Therapy, “if the therapist’s qualifications include the skills necessary to administer aid in an emergency situation or detect early risk factors for certain health issues, then he or she could be held legally accountable for failing to do so.” That said, non-medical professionals—like massage therapists and personal trainers—do not hold the same liability. So, make sure you’ve covered all of your legal bases before you commit to partnering with a gym.
4. Corporate Office Settings
Many large and forward-thinking companies have their own onsite clinics, which often include physical therapists. Not only does this approach offer a lot of flexibility for providers, but it’s also incredibly convenient for patients. Not only that, but on-site clinics eliminate the need for patients to travel to and from their appointments (thus saving them time), and it typically results in lower-than-average copays (thus saving patients money).
5. Niche Physical Therapy Clinics
When starting afresh in the PT market, it can feel difficult—if not impossible—to stand out among the throng of already-established clinics. Going niche (i.e., providing very specific services for very specific patients) is one way to curate a hyper-loyal subset of patients who will continue to return time and time again. Whether you’re treating a community of Parkinson’s patients or providing primarily hydrotherapy, creating a niche startup—especially as a single provider—is an excellent way to differentiate your services. For help honing in on a niche, scroll down to the below section titled “Which specialty should I choose?”
Compensation: Cash-Based or Insurance-Based
Traditionally, physical therapists—like other healthcare providers—enter into contracts with most major insurance companies to provide services to beneficiaries at a specific, agreed-upon reimbursement rate. In this model, the financial burden for most services falls to the insurer (aside from a nominal co-pay). However, as reimbursement rates decrease and the cost of simply staying in business increases, more and more PT practices are opting to go “out of network” and into a cash-based physical therapy practice.
While both these models offer a little more freedom in business practices, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. In Billing for Cash-Based Physical Therapy Practices, physical therapist and cash-based clinic owner Ann Wendel writes that her documentation and billing practices are not that different from an in-network provider: “The advantage of being cash-based is that I enter into a contract with the patient to provide physical therapy services in a manner that I have determined will help them reach their goals most efficiently. The thorn on the rose is that my documentation and billing practices must ultimately lead to the patient getting reimbursed from their insurance or they won’t be able to continue treatment with me.”
Even with proper documentation and billing practices, you may find that not all patients are willing, able, or—as is the case for Medicare patients—legally allowed to put up the money for physical therapy services. They’d sooner not wait for reimbursement—especially if there’s a provider who accepts their insurance down the road. That’s why we recommend seriously considering whether your services are “sufficient to convince patients to choose to come to your practice despite the out-of-pocket costs” by asking yourself these questions:
- Do your patients trust and value the care you provide?
- Are many of your patient referrals from family, friends, or trusted healthcare providers?
- Do your location, hours of operation, and availability meet your patients’ needs?
- Do you provide a level of clinical expertise and/or service that your patients cannot get elsewhere?
You should also consider your community demographics and how other cash-based businesses and healthcare services—such as massage therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, and fitness businesses—are performing. This can be a great indicator of your own potential success and can help you identify gaps in services that you can fill. The APTA lists teen sports rehab, chronic disease management, complex orthopedic condition management, hand therapy and splinting, women’s health, and cancer rehabilitation and management are all great options—but those are only a small handful of niche services you could provide. (See "Choosing Your Speciality" below for more on this topic.)
If you’re ready to transition out of network, it’s time to start thinking about setting fees, collecting payment, and discontinuing insurance contracts. If you’re not ready to go all the way out of network, you could consider providing cash-based supplemental services—like medically-oriented gym memberships, pilates or yoga classes, nutritional supplements, or durable exercise supplies—to generate additional income. Think of this as an opportunity to stick your toe in the cash-based services waters.
Insurance Credentialing
If your practice is entirely or partially insurance-based, then you’ll need to be credentialed with payers. Credentialing is the process of becoming accepted into an insurance provider’s preferred network. This process is important because:
- It helps insurance carriers determine if you’re qualified to serve on their panels, and
- the insurances you’re contracted with will factor into most patients’ decision to come to you for services.
While there are plenty of things to consider when it comes to the credentialing process, these are some essential steps you can take to get the ball rolling:
- Secure your own tax ID number.
- Get malpractice insurance.
- Obtain a National Provider Identifier (NPI).
- Have a license to provide services in your state.
- Establish a clinic location.
Learn more about insurance credentialing—and how to navigate potential pitfalls—by downloading our free guide to starting an outpatient practice.
How do you determine your clinic location?
Sure, that open office space you drive by every evening might be calling your name, but before you go putting down an offer, you better do your homework. After all, your location can make or break your success, so it’s time to start scouting out the community by answering the following questions:
- What direct access services can you legally provide in your state? (Find out in our direct access guide.)
- What are the tax implications and fees for small businesses in your state, city, and county?
- How many people live or work in the community? Realistically, how many of them will seek out your care?
- How many referral providers work in the area? How many of them routinely prescribe physical therapy?
- How many other physical therapy providers are there in the community? Is the area already saturated or can you identify a gap in services that you can fill (e.g., an in-demand niche)?
- Are there any physical therapy practices for sale in the area?
- Would it be financially feasible to purchase an existing practice rather than launch a startup from scratch??
- How do you become a preferred provider for payers in your area? Will it be difficult?
- What is the typical reimbursement rate for providers in your area? What should you expect to write off as a result of denied reimbursements or failure to collect?
- Is your building easily accessible by foot, car, or public transportation? Will signage be visible from nearby streets?
Not sure where to begin? You can start by reviewing the community demographics in the US census data or on your city’s website.
Once you've conducted your market research and you have a feel for the area, it's time to start browsing real estate, either alone or with the help of a leasing agent. Keep in mind, though, that most commercial real estate brokers work for property owners and represent the owners' interests. If you're looking for someone to advocate for you, try retaining the services of a tenant broker. They—along with a real estate attorney—will help you negotiate your contract so you get what you need in terms of lease length and landlord renovations.
Here are a few other things to consider when looking for the right spot for your practice and defining the terms of your contract:
- If your patient population is mostly baby boomers, consider how accessible the building and restrooms are as well as how far the parking lot is from your office.
- If you’re the first PT moving into your building, ask your landlord if they would include an exclusive use clause in your lease so that no competitors will call your address home.
- If you plan to offer after-hours services—like gym memberships—be sure to tell your landlord exactly what you’re thinking so you can be sure it’s acceptable within the terms of your lease.
- If you’re starting a small, independent, single-provider clinic, try to find a location close to other popular businesses that get a lot of foot traffic. This will help you gain visibility.
One more thing to consider: How much space do you really need? In How To Start An Outpatient Private Practice For Less Than $8,000, PT and clinic owner Jack Sparacio suggests asking yourself if you really need “the 3,000 square foot office and [to] pay rent for space you are hoping to grow into? Or can you get your practice up and running in the 800 to 1,000 square foot office for one-third the rent?” In his opinion, growing too big for your office space is a much better problem than throwing money away on office space you’re not using. Not quite ready to nail down your own space? Sparacio offers up the following advice: “Subleasing space from other health professionals or health clubs can also be an affordable alternative.“
Which PT specialty is the best one for you?
If you haven’t already considered your new practice’s niche, now’s the time to do so. What services can you provide that will set you apart from your potential competitors? In a whitepaper titled, “Build Your Practice by Finding Your Physical Therapy Niche,” Jeff Worrell has a few suggestions for physical therapists looking to identify a specialty—be it sports, pediatric, or post-surgical rehabilitation: “Take some time to jot down your experiences on a piece of as specific as possible. Look for similarities and highlight the experiences that are similar.” He also recommends that you ask yourself the following questions:
- What type of physical therapy work do you enjoy doing?
- What is the market potential for your specific area of interest?
- What type of patients do you enjoy working with?
- What experience do you have that can help you achieve success in your chosen niche?
- Are there other physical therapists who have built a successful practice in this niche?
For tips on marketing your niche, download this free guide to marketing your outpatient rehab therapy practice.
How can I get financing?
This is probably one of the first questions that comes to mind for anyone planning to start a physical therapy clinic—and it’s often the obstacle that keeps folks from making the leap in the first place. However, with a little proactive effort—and maybe just a tiny bit of luck—you can obtain the funding you need to get your practice-ownership dreams off the ground. Here’s how to make it happen in four steps:
1. Take stock of your expenses.
Determine how much money you’ll need for your venture by looking at your projected monthly expenses. Remember: To increase the viability of a startup venture, you should focus on keeping your expenses low. Once you have those numbers, you’ll know how big of a loan you need (if necessary). Generally speaking, providers who are launching a new business can allocate their expenses into three categories:
- Fixed costs (e.g., rent, equipment, and software)
- Variable expenses (e.g., utilities, supplies, marketing, and continuing education)
- Labor costs (e.g., employee salaries and benefits)
2. Get the essential documents in order.
Before you head to the bank, make sure you have the following documents in hand (so the review process is as quick and painless as possible):
- A business plan;
- Financial projections;
- A personal financial statement; and
- Professional references.
3. Pick a lender.
When it comes to picking a funding source, be choosy. We recommend:
- Picking a bank that has experience working with healthcare providers or working with the US Small Business Administration (SBA);
- Avoiding the temptation to go with the first offer; and
- Considering a local bank for funding.
4. Make that money talk.
The whole point of a loan is to generate enough revenue to not only pay it back but also make enough of a profit to continue growing your business. (You might consider incorporating cash-based wellness services to boost your revenue cushion.)
For more insight into funding your new practice, download our guide to starting an outpatient practice.
What are the need-to-know details for purchasing equipment?
Once you know who and where you want to treat, it’s time to think about the how. What kind of equipment will you need to provide exceptional care for your patients? Before you become overwhelmed by the mere thought of such a large purchase, consider this advice from PT and clinic owner Jack Sparacio’s post on opening an outpatient private practice for less than $8,000: “Buying equipment for your office does not need to break the bank. And with the Internet, you can quickly compare prices to save significant amounts of money.” So, before you drop thousands of dollars on expensive equipment—or make any other major purchases for your practice—heed the following advice:
- Shop online. Sites like eBay and Amazon are great places to find deals on new and used equipment. And if you’re a WebPT Member, you have access to the WebPT Marketplace, where you can purchase clinical supplies and equipment at discounted prices.
- Get creative. Some pieces of equipment will always be pricey, but sometimes, you can delay buying that big-ticket item until you have the resources to do so. As PT and clinic owner Jack Sparacio writes, “Why spend $3,500 on a high-end Ultrasound-Electric Stimulation Combo Machine when you can buy separate portable ultrasound and electrical stimulation units for about $100 each?”
- Do more with less. If you’re practical and resourceful, you can find alternative ways to meet your therapy equipment needs. Sparacio explains, “When designing an exercise program for a patient, they are not going to have access to that expensive exercise equipment at home. Giving them exercises in your office utilizing sport cords and resistance bands ensures that those exercises are reproducible and practical in a home environment.”
- Consider renting. Instead of doubling down on a costly machine, therapy business owners may find that leasing is preferable to buying outright. It gives you the ability to use the latest and greatest machinery while making budget-friendly payments.
What’s the right software for you?
When WebPT first started, an EMR was a huge step forward for the profession. Now, an EMR only scratches the surface of what software can do to help a private practice—and what providers need to run their practice. Clinicians need their EMR to match the demands of modern patient care and to be seamlessly integrated into a slew of other solutions that make up the workflows of a typical clinic. Here are just a few more benefits your new clinic will get with the right EMR:
Compliance Support
Every reporting regulation—MIPS, the 8-minute rule, and the therapy threshold—has its own challenging set of requirements. However, the right EMR will provide the support you need to remain compliant with all of them. Simply follow the built-in prompts and alerts, and you’ll fulfill all requirements for every patient, every time.
Safety and Security
Choose a true web-based (not web-enabled) EMR, and your patient data will be safe and secure—forever. You’ll have all the benefits of the world’s leading data centers—like protection from natural disasters, digital video surveillance, biometric screening, and round-the-clock guards—and none of the cost or responsibility.
Patient and Referral Marketing
Referrals drive a lot of new business for most physical therapists—whether they be from physicians or other patients. With an EMR, you can maximize those referrals by tracking how many you receive and from which sources. It’s a great way to identify those referral sources in your network that need a little more attention. With the right EMR, you can also display your clinic’s logo on all of your digital documents, so every note you send reminds prospective referrers of your clinic. (Free marketing, anyone?)
Plus, if your software touts robust patient relationship management (PRM) features, (e.g. automated email marketing campaigns, patient satisfaction surveys, and online review generation), you’ll have plenty of tools to attract new patients, engage with current patients, and reactivate past ones.
A Paperless Front Office
One of the hallmarks of a solid patient management platform is interoperability—particularly for making your front office a well-oiled machine. From scheduling and registering patients to verifying insurance and conducting follow-ups, each process should work together seamlessly. When they do, it saves time for your front office staff—driving efficiencies throughout the rest of your clinical processes. Plus, a paperless front office also cuts down on the initial startup cost of opening a clinic. And for new clinic owners, any expense saved is money in the bank—which will set you up for greater financial success in the long run.
So, when shopping for software, check to see if they offer these built-in features:
Appointment Scheduling
Scheduling software that automatically links your patient records with your clinic's calendar enables you to review notes with the click of a mouse and send automated appointment reminders via the patient’s preferred method. Scheduling tools can also help you:
- Track missed appointments;
- Book or reschedule appointments easily;
- Manage therapists' schedules;
- View the schedules of your other clinics (if applicable); and
- Color-code patient appointments based on insurance type.
Digital Patient Intake
Digital patient intake solutions enable you to send patients user-friendly intake forms—which they can complete online at their convenience. Most digital patient intake tools can also send automated reminders to patients who haven’t filled out their forms yet as their appointment date gets closer. What this all means is fewer minutes patients are required to spend in your waiting room—culminating in a better experience for them overall.
Electronic Benefit Verification
Utilizing an electronic benefit verification tool can significantly speed up your insurance eligibility game. Wouldn’t that be a relief? And because these solutions integrate with your EMR, you can say goodbye to the manual process of entering insurance information into a patient’s record—and the transcription errors that can arise from this, too, for that matter.
Outcomes Reporting
In this era of performance-based reimbursement and payment reform, tracking your patients’ functional outcomes is more important than ever. That’s why your software should have robust outcomes tracking capabilities that not only help you stay on top of your patients’ functional progress and clinical results, but also compare them to national averages.
Consolidation is on a lot of practice owners’ minds these days. With larger health systems snapping up the little guys, it can be difficult for startups and single-provider clinics to remain independent while also communicating with other providers seamlessly. Fortunately, if your software can integrate with other software platforms, you can:
- ensure your data transfers smoothly;
- save time by not getting bogged down with multiple platforms; and
- attract referral sources who know your system integrates seamlessly with theirs.
End-to-End Revenue Cycle Management
If you’re still using paper claims, you’re leaving a lot of room for error—not to mention wasting time filling out claim information by hand. But if your EMR has fully-integrated revenue cycle management (RCM), you can rest easy knowing your claims will have fewer errors—and that means you get paid faster. On top of that, be sure your RCM provider’s features include:
- Credit card processing;
- Auto-eligibility verification;
- An integrated clearinghouse; and
- A patient portal.
Still not sure why you should invest in the right EMR for your outpatient physical therapy clinic? Check out this article.
How do you create a business plan?
Once you’ve got at least a rough idea of how you plan to run your physical therapy practice, it’s time to get business best practices in order and prepare your business plan.
What is a business plan?
A business plan is a formal document that contains every detail about your business—including market assumptions; operations, sales, financing, and hiring plans; and your values and goals. This document will serve as the foundation for your business as well as the driver. It will act as a baseline for monitoring your growth.
Who should write a business plan?
Anyone who plans to run a business should write a business plan, especially if you’re working with other people—investors, partners, or employees. According to this Entrepreneur article, An Introduction to Business Plans, “...anybody beginning or extending a venture that will consume significant resources [money, energy, or time]...and that is expected to return a profit, should take the time to draft some kind of plan.”
Where to start?
Delving a bit deeper, states, “One of the most important reasons to plan your plan is that you may be held accountable for the projections and proposals it contains. [This is] especially true if you use your plan to raise money to finance your company.” Here are some questions to get you started when it comes to thinking about your business goals and objectives:
- How determined am I to see this succeed?
- Am I willing to invest my own money and work long hours for no pay, sacrificing personal time and lifestyle, maybe for years?
- What's going to happen to me if this venture doesn't work out?
- If it does succeed, how many employees will this company eventually have?
- What will be its annual revenue in a year? Five years?
- What will be its market share in that time frame?
- Will it serve a niche market, or will it sell a broad spectrum of goods and services?
- What are my plans for geographic expansion? Local? National? Global?
- Am I going to be a hands-on manager, or will I delegate a large proportion of tasks to others?
- If I delegate, what sorts of tasks will I share? Sales? Technical? Others?
- Is it going to remain independent and privately owned, or will it eventually be acquired or go public?
After you’ve fully answered these questions, you’ll probably have a pretty good idea of the direction you wish to take your clinic. Now it’s time to figure out how you’re going to make your goals a reality. Drum roll, please: it’s time to determine your marketing plan. Whether you’re hoping to find new patients or hire all-star talent, how you present yourself and your practice to the local community—and the physical therapy community as a whole—is quite important. In fact, in Writing a Business Plan? Don't Forget About Marketing Chief Executive Officer of EMSI Public Relations Marsha Friedman strongly recommends that you include a marketing budget—taking into consideration both time and money—in your business plan from the get-go.
Now that you’ve got your plan for the plan complete—you’ve considered your staffing needs, nailed down your financing options, and identified your business goals as well as how you plan to reach them—it’s time to start writing. For more information on how to write a solid business plan, check out this blog post on Strategic Planning 101: The PT's Guide to Building a Better Business
Any more questions?
Almost done! But before you open your doors, there are a few final legal to-dos you need to take care of first:
- Meet with an attorney who is well-versed in private practice law. He or she will help you ensure you have all your legal ducks in a row.
- Set up a business entity. Here are the various entity types that could be appropriate for a PT practice: some text
- PLLC or PC
- Sole Proprietorships
- Partnerships
- Corporations
- Non-profits
- Claim a business name. (Check out this blog post on 16 Creative Physical Therapy Clinic Names for some inspiration.) Don’t forget to consider the online availability for your business’s name!
- Open a business bank account (and keep your books well organized).
- Double-check your lease agreement (ideally, with the aid of a real estate attorney) and make sure you nail down details like:some text
- Lease length,
- Prior building renovations,
- Building accessibility,
- Proximity to competitors, and
- Zoning.
- Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN).
- Check your state’s website for any additional requirements for starting and operating a business.
- Select a tax year. You can either pay based on:some text
- Calendar year: 12 consecutive months from January 1– December 31, or
- Fiscal year: 12 consecutive months ending on the last day of any month other than December.
- Put together a winning team—if you plan on hiring staff—and make sure you adhere to all applicable hiring laws. To hire employees, the US Small Business Administration (SBA) explains that you must:some text
- Verify employment eligibility.
- Report newly hired and rehired employees to the state.
- Get workers’ comp insurance.
- Display the required posters that explain employee rights and labor laws.
- File your taxes according to federal and local regulations.
- Stay informed and get organized.
- Hire for cultural fit. While having the right skills is crucial, bringing on someone who doesn’t mesh with your clinic’s culture can end up costing more in the long run. So, as you move through the hiring process, be sure you:some text
- Have a multi-step interview process;
- Ask interviewees experiential questions;
- Hire candidates who share your goals and values; and
- Strive for cognitive diversity among your team.
- Create a marketing strategy to help bring patients into your new practice.
- Find the right practice management software to help keep things running smoothly.
Curious about how others got their start in private practice PT? Check out 7 Lessons Learned from Opening a PT Private Practice and How To Start a PT Practice While Keeping a Full-Time Job.
Ready to start a physical therapy clinic?
See how WebPT gets your practice firing on all cylinders, and put all your software and documentation worries in the rearview mirror.
Disclaimer: Please note that this is general information only and we do not intend for you to use any of it as legal advice or guidance. Nor do we intend for you to use it in lieu of seeking appropriate legal counsel.