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Physical Therapists' Guide to MIPS

The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) is one of two tracks in the QPP currently administered by the CMS.

Heidi Jannenga
5 min read
December 10, 2024
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What is MIPS?

The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) is one of two tracks in the Quality Payment Program (QPP) currently administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Consolidating several legacy programs—the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), the Meaningful Use (MU) program, and the Value-Based Modifier (VM) program—MIPS is a streamlined, one-stop shop for CMS to measure quality and provide financial incentives for eligible clinicians to improve their level of care. 

MIPS assesses the merit of a provider’s services across four categories:

  1. Quality,
  2. Improvement Activities (IA),
  3. Promoting Interoperability (PI), and
  4. Cost.

That said, per the 2024 final rule, eligible rehab therapists will be scored based on all measures in the 2024 MIPS performance year (PY): Quality, Improvement Activities, Cost, and Promoting Interoperability. Clinicians who meet the Cost measure criteria may be measured for the newly-introduced Low Back Pain measure—provided they reach the 20-case threshold.   

What’s a performance year? It’s the full calendar year, from January 1 to December 31, during which a MIPS participant’s performance is evaluated. Separately, the payment year is the year that participants receive their payment adjustment for a performance year.
So, at the end of each performance year, eligible providers submit their relevant data to CMS and receive a MIPS score—ranging from 0–100 points—before the start of the payment year. That score determines the capped payment adjustment (either positive or negative) the clinician receives from Medicare two years later. For example, a provider’s 2024 score will affect their 2026 payments. 

A Brief History of MIPS

In April 2015, Congress voted to overhaul the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula and implement a new quality reporting and incentive system as part of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). From MACRA came the QPP, which brought about both MIPS and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs). MIPS reporting began in 2017, with clinicians who participated in the first reporting year seeing their first batch of adjustments in 2019. 

Physical therapists, occupational therapists, and qualified speech-language pathologists were included in this program beginning in 2019.

What is the MIPS determination period?

The MIPS determination period is the length of time over which a provider or group is evaluated to determine whether they qualify for MIPS and/or any special determinations within the program. It identifies participants who don’t exceed the low-volume threshold—as well as MIPS-eligible clinicians who may have different participation criteria because they are non-patient facing, hospital-based, ambulatory surgical center (ASC)-based, or in a small practice. The official MIPS determination period does not apply to facility-based, virtual group eligibility, or rural and HPSA determinations. 

The MIPS determination period spans a 24-month time period that is split into two separate 12-month segments. The first 12-month segment of the determination period begins on October 1 two years prior to the performance year and runs through September 30 of the year prior to the performance year. The second 12-month segment runs from October 1 of the year prior to the performance year to September 30 of the applicable performance year. 

Here’s a rundown of the determination periods for the 2024 and 2025 performance years: 

Performance Year First Determination Segment Second Determination Segment
2024 October 1 2022–September 30 2023 October 1 2023–September 30 2024
2025 October 1 2023–September 30 2024 October 1 2024–September 30 2025

If a MIPS participant does not exceed the low-volume threshold during either of the 12-month segments, the participant will be excluded from MIPS  for the applicable performance year.

Want the latest on MIPS for 2025?

Am I eligible to participate in MIPS?

To be eligible to participate in MIPS, you must: 

  1. be identified by a unique combination of a Tax Identification Number (TIN) and National Practitioner Identifier (NPI), and
  2. be one of the following providers:
    • Physical therapist
    • Occupational therapist
    • Qualified speech-language pathologist
    • Qualified audiologist
    • Chiropractor
    • Clinical psychologist
    • Registered dietician or nutrition professional
    • Physician
    • Osteopathic practitioner
    • Physician assistant
    • Nurse practitioner
    • Clinical nurse specialist
    • Certified registered nurse anesthetist

Providers and groups must also exceed the three low-volume threshold criteria during both determination periods in order to be eligible for MIPS participation. The QPP does note that if you begin billing Medicare Part B patients under a practice's TIN during the second segment of a determination period, your eligibility at that practice will be determined by the results of analysis of that segment’s data.

Based on these conditions, providers in facility-based outpatient therapy and skilled nursing facility (SNF) settings are excluded from MIPS eligibility, because claims for these settings typically only contain a facility NPI. Providers and groups are also excluded from MIPS if they enrolled in Medicare for the first time during the performance period, or if they participated significantly in Advanced APMs

After the conclusion of a determination period, providers may check their QPP participation status and MIPS eligibility using this participation lookup tool

How do I know if I have to participate in MIPS?

Providers can determine if they must participate in MIPS by checking the low-volume threshold. The low-volume threshold is a set of criteria that excuses providers who have little-to-no interaction with Medicare beneficiaries from participating in MIPS. If a provider or group does not meet all three of the following criteria during both determination periods, then they are not required to participate in MIPS: 

  • Billed Medicare for more than $90,000 in Part B allowed charges; 
  • Provided care to more than 200 unique Medicare Part B beneficiaries; and
  • Provided 200 or more covered professional services under the Physician Fee Schedule.

According to CMS, clinicians may determine what counts as a professional service by “calculating one professional claim line with positive allowed charges.” The QPP does note that if you begin billing Medicare Part B patients after joining a new practice during the second segment of a determination period, your eligibility at that practice will be determined by the results of analysis of that segment’s data. 

At the end of the day, however, excluded providers and groups still have the opportunity to opt in to MIPS so long as they exceed one or two of the low-volume threshold criteria, have enrolled as a Medicare provider prior to 2022, aren’t a Qualifying APM Participant (QP), and in the case of groups, have at least one clinician who meets all of the individual criteria.  

Do I qualify for a special status?

Some providers—and groups—qualify for a special MIPS program status, which generally means that they receive program modifications to reduce the burden of participation. For example, small practices are eligible for a bonus in the quality category and double points in the improvement activities category. Here are the special statuses:

Status Qualifications MIPS Modification
Small Practice When a practice contains 15 or fewer MIPS-eligible clinicians Eligible for six bonus points in the Quality category Will earn double points in the Improvement Activities category Three-point floor for quality measures that don’t meet data completeness or case minimum requirement, or can’t be measured against a benchmark Now that Cost Measures are in effect for applicable cases, reweighting would result in Quality 40%, IA 30%, and Cost 30% (with PI redistributed to Cost).
Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) When a MIPS participant practices in a government-declared HPSA Will earn double points in the Improvement Activities category Full credit for the improvement activities category when reporting via APP
Rural When a MIPS participant practices in a rural ZIP code as specified by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy Will earn double points in the Improvement Activities category,Full credit for the improvement activities category when reporting via APP
Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC)-Based When a participating MIPS clinician furnishes at least 75% of covered care in a site identified by POS code 24 Automatically excused from the Promoting Interoperability category
Hospital-Based When a MIPS participant furnishes at least 75% of covered care in a hospital(POC codes 19, 21, 22, and 23 Automatically excused from the Promoting Interoperability category
Non-patient Facing When a MIPS participant conducts 100 or fewer Medicare Part B “patient-facing encounters” Will earn double points in the Improvement Activities category. Automatically excused from the Promoting Interoperability category Full credit for the improvement activities category when reporting via APP

What are my MIPS participation options? 

If you’re looking to participate in MIPS, you have five choices for how you register and report:

  1. Individual: As an individual participant, clinicians report their own data for either traditional MIPS, MIPS Value Pathways (MVP), or the Alternative Payment Model Performance Pathway (APP) if they’re a MIPS APM participant. 
  2. Group: A group is two or more providers operating under a single TIN. As part of a group, a practice will submit data for all clinicians who are billing under their TIN. Clinicians who aren’t able to participate in MIPS as an individual are eligible to participate in a group and receive a payment adjustment based upon the group’s score. Groups can participate in traditional MIPS, MVPs, and/or APP. 
  3. Virtual Group: Virtual groups are composed of two or more TINs and can include any combination of individual providers and groups of 10 or less clinicians. Any CMS-approved virtual group can participate in traditional MIPS, but isn’t eligible for APP or MVPs. 
  4. Subgroup: A subgroup is made up of two or more clinicians in an existing group, and must include at least one MIPS-eligible clinician. Subgroups are only eligible to participate in MVPs. 
  5. APM Entity: Clinicians who are eligible for MIPs on either the individual or group level and are participants in an alternative payment model can elect to participate as an APM entity. APM entities can report through traditional MIPS, MVPs, or APP. 

What are the MIPS reporting options?

MIPS has expanded to include three options for reporting your MIPS scores:

Traditional MIPS: With traditional MIPS, rehab therapists can select six of the 22 quality measures available to them for reporting for a performance year, as well as an improvement activity. The data from these categories is used to determine a final score and a payment adjustment. 

MIPS Value Pathways (MVP): Introduced for optional reporting for performance year 2023, MVPs look to simplify reporting requirements by grouping related measures and activities into 12 options designed for individual specialties and medical conditions. Beginning in 2024, MIPS has added an MVP for rehab therapists: Rehabilitative Support for Musculoskeletal Care.  

Alternative Payment Model Performance Pathway (APP): APP is available to clinicians participating in an alternative payment model (APM) and provides a single measure set for participants to collect data for and report upon. APP participants only have to collect data for the Quality, Promoting Interoperability, and Performance Improvement categories—although APM participants reporting APP automatically receive full credit for the Performance Improvement category.      

What’s the difference between reporting as an individual and reporting as a group?

If a MIPS-eligible clinician decides to report as an individual (the default option), they will be evaluated and scored based on their performance only. The individual will be the only clinician to receive an adjustment based on their unique score.  

If a MIPS-eligible clinician has reassigned their Medicare billing rights to a single TIN, then they can elect to report as a group along with one or more other clinicians who bill under the same TIN. The members of the group will work together to report for MIPS, and CMS will evaluate and score the group’s performance as a whole. Every member of the group will receive the same adjustment based on the group’s overall score. 

Keep in mind that MIPS eligibility is determined on an individual basis, which means that a group will never be required to participate. However, if a couple of clinicians choose to participate as a group, then all the individuals at that clinic are required to participate and will receive the same score and payment adjustment—including individual clinicians who aren’t required to participate. Clinicians choosing to participate as both an individual and as part of a group or APM entity will receive a payment adjustment based upon the highest financial score from those options. Participants in a virtual group will receive payment adjustments based upon the group’s score, even if their individual score is higher.   

How do I join a virtual group?

MIPS-eligible clinicians and small groups also have the opportunity to create and report as a virtual group. Virtual groups are not bound by location or specialty—and all members work together to report for MIPS. All members also receive the same score and performance adjustment. 

Before providers or groups create a virtual group, they must first individually determine their eligibility—based on certain TIN size criteria—by contacting their local QPP technical assistance provider. Once each prospective member of the virtual group has been approved by a technical assistance provider, then the virtual group must: 

  • Pick an official representative who will communicate with CMS; 
  • Draft and sign a formal written agreement that meets CMS’s criteria; and 
  • Email the virtual group election request to before January 1 of the reporting year. 

If there are any changes to a virtual group after it receives CMS approval—but before the start of the performance year (e.g., a virtual group member leaves or a TIN changes)—then the virtual group representative must notify QPP of the change. Changes cannot be applied to a performance year during its duration, as all virtual groups are required to meet the definition of a virtual group (which is to say to two or more TINs) at all points during a performance year. 

How do I opt in to MIPS?

MIPS-eligible clinicians or groups who exceed one or two of the low-volume threshold criteria—but not all three—are permitted to opt in to the MIPS program. To do so, eligible clinicians and groups must log into their accounts on the Quality Payment Program website and manually mark a selection indicating that they wish to opt in. Please note that if you do not meet or exceed any of the low-volume threshold criteria, then you may not opt in to MIPS as an individual. 

What is voluntary reporting?

Clinicians and groups who are not currently eligible for MIPS may choose to voluntarily submit data to Medicare. Even though voluntary MIPS reporters won’t earn a positive or negative payment adjustment, they will receive category-specific feedback from CMS. Voluntary submitters can then review that information and prepare for future program inclusion. 

To voluntarily report MIPS data, interested parties must log into their account on the Quality Payment Program website and manually mark an option indicating they wish to voluntarily report. 

How do the four categories work?

Each category awards a certain number of points depending on its weight. At the conclusion of the scoring process, the points in each category are converted into the appropriate number of MIPS points out of a total possible 100 MIPS points.

AS PTs and OTs now must report on all four categories the breakdown would result in 30% for Quality, 30% for Cost, 25% for PI, and 15% for IA. Now, in 2024, there is the potential for Cost or PI to be reweighted—more on that to follow. If Cost and PI are reweighted, then the new breakdown would be 50% each for the Quality and IA categories.

It’s important to note that each category uses a unique scoring system which—at the conclusion of the scoring process—is then converted into the appropriate number of MIPS points.


The Quality category—which essentially replaced PQRS—evaluates the quality of a MIPS participant’s care using performance measures. Participants select the performance measures most applicable to the care they provide from a CMS-approved list and submit them for evaluation at the conclusion of the performance year. Weighted at 30% of the total MIPS score (or 50% if they work in a small practice and Cost measures are reweighted), quality is the most important category that rehab therapists must report, with CMS placing emphasis on this category moving forward. 

Quality Scoring

Each measure is worth a maximum of ten points. Although MIPS-eligible clinicians may submit more than six measures, CMS only counts the six highest-scoring submissions, creating a category point cap of 60 points.

According to the APTA, participants can lose points on each measure in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Poor performance;
  2. Submitted measure doesn’t have a benchmark;
  3. Submitted measure doesn’t have at least 20 cases; and
  4. Submitted measure doesn’t meet the data completion requirement.


Benchmarks allow CMS to evaluate and score quality measures on a national level. The national benchmarks for each quality measure differ based on collection type and previously collected “historical data” from PQRS and CAHPS surveys. These benchmarks determine how many points—on a scale of zero to ten—a MIPS-eligible clinician receives for each reported measure. 

Data Completion

In order to obtain all possible points in the Quality category, reported data must meet a certain level of completeness—which varies based on collection type.

As of 2024, individuals and groups who use QCDR measures, MIPS CQMs, and eCQMs to collect their quality measure information must report on 75% of all patients, regardless of payer, for the performance period. Those who use Medicare Part B claims to collect and submit their measures must report on 75% of their Medicare Part B patients only for the performance period.   

Quality Measures

MIPS participants must submit data for at least six quality measures—one of which must be an outcome measure. However, if an individual or group does not have an applicable outcome measure, then the participant must instead report an additional high-priority measure. 

In the case that a MIPS participant has fewer than six measures applicable, the participant must  submit every applicable measure. To determine which quality measures are best-suited to your specific practice, review CMS’s list of quality measures.

MIPS Quality Measures for PTs and OTs

In 2025, PTs and OTs may choose to report from a selection of 26 different measures. The 18 process measures available to PTs and OTs are: 

  • 048: Urinary Incontinence: Assessment of Presence or Absence of Urinary Incontinence in Women Aged 65 Years and Older
  • 050: Urinary Incontinence: Plan of Care for Urinary Incontinence in Women Aged 65 Years and Older
  • 126: Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetic Foot and Ankle Care, Peripheral Neuropathy – Neurological Evaluation
  • 127: Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetic Foot and Ankle Care, Ulcer Prevention – Evaluation of Footwear
  • 130: Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record
  • 134: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan
  • 155: Falls: Plan of Care
  • 181: Elder Maltreatment Screen and Follow-Up Plan
  • 182: Functional Outcome Assessment
  • 226: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention
  • 281: Dementia: Cognitive Assessment
  • 286: Dementia: Safety Concern Screening and Follow-Up for Patients with Dementia
  • 288: Dementia: Education and Support of Caregivers for Patients with Dementia
  • 291: Assessment of Cognitive Impairment or Dysfunction for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
  • 318: Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk
  • 487: Screening for Social Drivers of Health
  • 498: Connection to Community Service Provider
  • 502: Improvement or Maintenance of Functioning for Individuals with a Mental and/or Substance Abuse Disorder
  • 503: Gains in Patient Activation Measure Scores at 12 Months

Additionally, there are seven Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes (FOTO) measures that PTs and OTs may report for MIPS—specifically, measures 217-222 and 478.

MIPS Quality Measures for SLPs

In 2025, SLPs may report these quality measures: 

  • 130: Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record
  • 134: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan
  • 181: Elder Maltreatment Screen and Follow-Up Plan
  • 182: Functional Outcome Assessment
  • 226: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention
  • 282: Dementia: Functional Status Assessment 
  • 286: Dementia: Safety Concern Screening and Follow-Up for Patients with Dementia
  • 288: Dementia: Education and Support of Caregivers for Patients with Dementia 
  • 291: Assessment of Cognitive Impairment or Dysfunction for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
  • 386: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patient Care Preferences 
  • 487: Screening for Social Drivers of Health 
  • 498: Connection to Community Service Provider

Submission Deadline

Submission deadlines vary slightly depending on what collection and/or submission types a MIPS participant uses. Generally, a MIPS-eligible clinician must submit measures before March 31 of the year following the performance year.

However, for those who submit via claims, the claims must be processed “no later than 60 days following the close of the performance period.” Groups that report using the CMS Web Interface must submit all data during an eight-week period following the performance year. That eight-week reporting period must start and end between January 2 and March 31.

The Musculoskeletal (MSK) Measure Set

As of 2024, clinicians now have the opportunity to streamline their MIPS reporting through the MSK Measure Set via WebPT and Patient360’s Quality Clinical Data Registry (QCDR)—MSK and Rehabilitative Care Outcomes. 

The MSK Measure Set champions the directive of CMS to prioritize quality measures over process measures, resulting in optimal care delivery. With the MSK Measure Set, clinicians can participate through MIPS using WebPT’s QCDR and level up their ability to reflect value-based care delivery and optimal practice standards.

Here are the 11 Quality Measures with their respective legacy surveys that are included in the MSK Measure Set from which you may choose when treating a patient:

MSK Measure ID: Legacy surveys:
MSK1: Patients Suffering From a Neck Injury who Improve Physical Function Neck Disability Index (NDI) or like mapped measure during the performance year
MSK2: Patients Suffering From an Upper Extremity Injury who Improve Physical Function Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (QDASH) or like mapped measure
MSK3: Patients Suffering From a Back Injury who Improve Physical Function Modified Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (MDQ) or like mapped measure
MSK4: Patients Suffering From a Lower Extremity Injury who Improve Physical Function Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) or like mapped measure
MSK5: Patients Suffering From a Knee Injury who Improve Physical Function Knee Outcome Survey (KOS) or like mapped measure
MSK6: Patients Suffering From a Neck Injury who Improve Pain Numeric Pain Rating Scale or like mapped measure
MSK7: Patients Suffering From an Upper Extremity Injury who Improve Pain Numeric Pain Rating Scale, or like mapped measure
MSK8: Patients Suffering From a Back Injury who Improve Pain Numeric Pain Rating Scale or like mapped measure
MSK9: Patients Suffering From a Lower Extremity Injury who Improve Pain Numeric Pain Rating Scale or like mapped measure
MSK10: Patients Suffering From a Knee Injury who Improve Pain Numeric Pain Rating Scale or like mapped measure
HM7: Functional Status Change for Patients with Vestibular Dysfunction Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI)

Improvement Activities

Improvement Activities is the only MIPS category that isn’t derived from a previously-existing program. With a possible score of 40 points, this category is weighted at 15% of the total MIPS score for general participants—as well as for PTs, OTs, and SLPs. (Although these percentages can change with any applicable special status or APM participation.) This category evaluates the ways in which clinicians and groups work to improve their practice as a whole over an extended period of time (e.g., by enhancing care coordination, expanding patient access to care, and improving patient-clinician decision-making).

To report for this category, participating clinicians must select from a list of more than 100 available activities in the QPP Resource Library.

Improvement Activities Scoring

Improvement Activities are classified as either “medium” or “high” depending on the demands of the activity, and they award ten and 20 points, respectively. Individuals and groups may report any relevant activity from any subcategory, but they must submit activities with one of the following combinations of weighting: 

  1. Two high-weighted activities,
  2. One high-weighted activity and two medium-weighted activities, or
  3. Four medium-weighted activities.

To successfully complete the Improvement Activities category, individual MIPS participants must perform each of their chosen activities for a consecutive 90-day period at some point during the performance year. At least 50% of the NPIs that report as a group must complete these activities in order for the full group to receive credit.    

Category Exceptions

This category allows for different weighting for:

  • clinicians who work in a small practice, 
  • non-patient facing clinicians, and/or
  • clinicians who are located in rural areas or Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).

In these cases, medium-weighted activities are worth 20 points, and high-weighted activities are worth 40 points. To fulfill the requirements for this category, clinicians who qualify for this exception may submit one of the following combinations of activity weightings: 

  1. One high-weighted activity
  2. Two medium-weighted activities

Submission Deadline

The Improvement Activities submission deadline is identical for all collection and submission types. All MIPS-eligible clinicians must submit their activities before March 31 of the year following the performance year. 

Promoting Interoperability

The Promoting Interoperability category—formerly known as Advancing Care Information—has roots in the MU program and assesses how clinics use certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) to engage patients. This category determines whether a practice engages patients by sharing treatment information like test results, visit summaries, and therapy plans. The Promoting Interoperability category counts for 25% of your MIPS score.  

Beginning with Performance Year 2024, PTs, OTs, and qualified SLPs are required to report for the Promoting Interoperability category. To do this, use a certified Electronic Health Record (EHR) and provide that EHR’s CMS identification code. 

You must also  submit collected data for the required measures in each objective for the same 180 continuous days (or more) during the calendar year. Individuals, groups, and virtual groups can apply for a Performance Category Hardship Exception based on the following criteria:

  • MIPS-eligible clinician using decertified EHR technology 
  • Insufficient internet connectivity
  • Extreme and uncontrollable circumstances
  • Lack of control over the availability of CEHRT

If the exception is granted, the category will be reweighed to 0% and the 25% will be redistributed to the Quality and Improvement Activities categories.  

Cost Measures

The Cost category—originally derived from the Value-Based Modifier program—measures the cost of a provider’s care either over the course of the year or during a patient’s hospital stay. CMS scores this category based on claims submitted throughout a performance year.

PTs, OTs, and SLPs are not required to report for the cost category in 2024—except for one instance that has raised more questions than answers from CMS. In the 2024 final rule, CMS added the Low Back Pain (LBP) Cost measure for the MSK MVP and for Traditional MIPS. Clinicians who meet the Cost Measure criteria—specifically in cases where they bill for patients with specific CPT codes and LBP diagnostic codes—CMS will capture this information directly via submitted claims. 

At this time, it’s anticipated that the cost measure will require a minimum of 20 cases to be eligible for the final score (weighted at 30%).  If the 20-case minimum is not met, the cost performance category will be reweighted.


With the 2024 final rule, CMS unveiled the first MVP that rehab therapists will be eligible for participation. The Rehabilitative Support for Musculoskeletal Care MVP—more commonly referred to as the MSK MVP—is available for participation. CMS has outlined the following healthcare professionals as eligible participants:

  • Chiropractic,
  • Physiatry,
  • Physical therapy,
  • Occupational therapy,
  • Nurse practitioners, and 
  • Physician assistants.

The purpose of an MVP is to simplify the MIPS process, so therefore, activities from all four traditional MIPS categories are pre-selected for inclusion so that participants can more easily choose from this pool. The MSK MVP will include 10 Quality Measures, 17 Improvement Activities, one Cost Measure, and the Foundational Layer that includes PI and Population Health Measures. 

MSK MVP Quality Measures

To report, participants must select and submit four quality measures. Of this set, at least one must be an outcome measure (or a high-priority measure if an outcome is not available or applicable).

  • Q050: Urinary Incontinence: Plan of Care for Urinary Incontinence in Women Aged 65 Years and Older 
  • Q128: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan (this Quality Measure is only available in the MVP, not traditional MIPS)
  • Q155: Falls: Plan of Care (high priority Quality Measure)
  • Q217: Functional Status Change for Patients with Knee Impairments 
  • Q218: Functional Status Change for Patients with Hip Impairments 
  • Q219: Functional Status Change for Patients with Lower Leg, Foot or Ankle Impairments 
  • Q220: Functional Status Change for Patients with Low Back Impairments( 
  • Q221: Functional Status Change for Patients with Shoulder Impairments 
  • Q222: Functional Status Change for Patients with Elbow, Wrist or Hand Impairments 
  • Q478: Functional Status Change for Patients with Neck Impairments 
  • Q487: Screening for Social Drivers of Health (high priority Quality Measure)
  • MSK6: Patients Suffering From a Neck Injury who Improve Pain
  • MSK7: Patients Suffering From an Upper Extremity Injury who Improve Pain
  • MSK8: Patients Suffering From a Back Injury who Improve Pain
  • MSK9: Patients Suffering From a Lower Extremity Injury who Improve Pain

MSK MVP Improvement Activities (IA)

To report, participants must select and submit through three options. They can either select two medium-weighted improvement activities, one high-weighted improvement activity, or attest to IA_PCMH (see below).

  • IA_AHE_3: Promote Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Tools (high-weighted activity)
  • IA_AHE_6: Provide Education Opportunities for New Clinicians (high-weighted activity)
  • IA_AHE_9: Implement Food Insecurity and Nutrition Risk Identification and Treatment Protocols (medium-weighted activity)
  • IA_AHE_12: Practice Improvements that Engage Community Resources to Address Drivers of Health (high-weighted activity) 
  • IA_BE_6: Regularly Assess Patient Experience of Care and Follow Up on Findings (high weight) IA_BMH_12: Promoting Clinician Well-Being (high-weighted activity)
  • IA_BMH_15: Behavioral/Mental Health and Substance Use Screening & Referral for Older Adults(high-weighted activity) 
  • IA_CC_1: Implementation of Use of Specialist Reports Back to Referring Clinician or Group to Close Referral Loop (medium-weighted activity) 
  • IA_CC_8: Implementation of Documentation Improvements for Practice/Process Improvements (medium-weighted activity) 
  • IA_CC_12: Care Coordination Agreements that Promote Improvements in Patient Tracking Across Settings (medium-weighted activity)
  • IA_EPA_2: Use of Telehealth Services that Expand Practice Access (medium-weighted activity) 
  • IA_EPA_3: Collection and Use of Patient Experience and Satisfaction Data on Access (medium-weighted activity) 
  • IA_MVP: Practice-Wide Quality Improvement in MIPS Value Pathways (high-weighted activity) 
  • IA_PCMH: Electronic Submission of Patient Centered Medical Home Accreditation (Attestation to this IA provides full credit for the IA performance category)
  • IA_PM_26: Vaccine Achievement for Practice Staff: COVID-19, Influenza, and Hepatitis B 
  • IA_PSPA_16: Use decision support—ideally platform-agnostic, interoperable clinical decision support (CDS) tools—and standardized treatment protocols to manage workflow on the care team to meet patient needs. (medium-weighted activity) 
  • IA_PSPA_21: Implementation of Fall Screening and Assessment Programs (medium-weighted activity)

MSK MVP Cost Measure

In the 2024 final rule, CMS added the Low Back Pain (LBP) Cost measure for the MSK MVP and Traditional MIPS. Clinicians who meet the Cost Measure criteria—specifically in cases where they bill for patients with specific CPT codes and LBP diagnostic codes—CMS will capture this information directly via submitted claims. 

Foundational Layer of PI and Population Health Measures

The foundational layer comprises PI and Population Health Measures. This category of the MVP is meant to focus on the electronic sharing of information and monitoring of population health reporting.

Promoting Interoperability (PI)

To participate in the MVP PI foundational layer, participants will follow the same guidelines as with traditional MIPS unless they qualify for reweighting of the Promoting Interoperability performance category.

  • Security Risk Analysis
  • High Priority Practices Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience Guide (SAFER Guide)
  • e-Prescribing
  • Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
  • Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information
  • Support Electronic Referral Loops By Sending Health Information, AND
  • Support Electronic Referral Loops By Receiving and Reconciling Health Information, OR
  • Health Information Exchange (HIE) Bi-Directional Exchange, OR 
  • Enabling Exchange Under the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA)
  • Immunization Registry Reporting
  • Syndromic Surveillance Reporting (Optional)
  • Electronic Case Reporting
  • Public Health Registry Reporting (Optional)
  • Clinical Data Registry Reporting (Optional)
  • Actions to Limit or Restrict Compatibility or Interoperability of CEHRT
  • ONC Direct Review Attestation

Population Health Measures

To report on Population Health Measures, participants must select one of the two listed measures at the time of MVP registration. Then, CMS will calculate these measures directly through the claims submitted by the participant. 

  • Q479: Hospital-Wide, 30-Day, All-Cause Unplanned Readmission (HWR) Rate for the MeritBased Incentive Payment Systems (MIPS) Eligible Clinician Groups 
  • Q484: Clinician and Clinician Group Risk Standardized Hospital Admission Rates for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions 

At present, the MSK MVP is somewhat restricted and limited in a number of ways so adoption of this MVP will take some time—and undoubtedly some revisions from CMS. For starters, the Quality Measures are largely limited to Focus on Therapy Outcomes (FOTO) measures—a proprietary tool—and although CMS states FOTO will offer a free version, this still creates further administrative burden on participants in the near term. Secondly, the Population Health Measures are exclusively hospital-based outcome measure tools, so private practices are unlikely to find the MSK MVP useful—for now.

When will I find out my MIPS score?

CMS notifies MIPS participants of their scores in the first July that follows the performance year. For example, if you participated in MIPS in 2024, you will receive a notification from Medicare in July 2025 that contains the breakdown of your MIPS score. If applicable, the subsequent payment adjustment will take effect on January 1, 2027. 

How will my MIPS score affect my finances?

The 2025 performance threshold is 75 MIPS points. That means a provider or group must score a minimum of 75 overall MIPS points during the 2025 performance period to avoid a negative payment adjustment on every covered professional service submitted to Medicare during the 2027 payment year. 

For payment year 2027, a score of exactly 75 MIPS points in the 2025 performance year will result in a neutral adjustment—meaning the participant won’t receive any payment adjustment, positive or negative, during the 2027 payment year. 

MIPS participants who scored 18.86 to 74.99 points during the 2025 performance year will receive a negative payment adjustment that falls between -0.01% and -8.99%. Participants who score 0 to 18.75 points will get slapped with a flat -9% adjustment in 2027. 

On the other end of the spectrum, MIPS participants who score more than 75 points in 2025 will receive a positive adjustment between 0.01% and 9%. Participants who score 89 points or more will also be eligible to receive an exceptional performance bonus, which will be—at minimum—an additional +0.5% adjustment. 

Unfortunately, as of the 2023 performance year exceptional performance bonuses are a thing of the past, so high-scoring MIPS providers shouldn’t expect to see anything beyond the typical positive payment adjustment moving forward.

Previous Program Results

According to CMS’s own data, clinicians who participate in MIPS generally earn a positive adjustment. But, because such a large majority of participants score well, there’s less money available to fund these positive performance adjustments. As such, the maximum recorded performance bonuses are significantly lower than what is potentially allowed by the program. Take a look at how previous MIPS participants have fared so far.   

Performance Year Number of Participants Percentage of Participants Who Earned a Positive Adjustment Maximum Recorded Adjustment (Including the Exceptional Performance Bonus)
2017 1,057,824 93% 1.88%
2018 889,995 98% 1.68%
2019 954,604 96% 1.79%
2020 933,547 91% 1.87

Can you provide more details on what Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) are?

Advanced APMs—like MIPS—were designed to incentivise providers and groups to improve the quality and lower the cost of their care. Providers and groups may choose to participate in a handful of different APMs, some of which apply only to specific populations, care episodes, or clinical conditions. 

Advanced APM participants may earn a 5% lump-sum incentive for hitting certain thresholds— though those thresholds are dependent upon the individual APM program. Those who meet the pertinent thresholds are excluded from MIPS for the year.

However, if a provider or group participates in a “MIPS APM” program, then the participant will not necessarily be excluded from MIPS. These programs are designed to work in conjunction with MIPS for participants who are MIPS-eligible. In some cases, a MIPS APM program might even require participants to participate in MIPS—but replace MIPS scoring methods with its own. 

What is the Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances Policy?

In the event of extraordinary circumstances affecting your ability to report for MIPS, you may be able to apply for an Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances (EUC) exception. By applying for an EUC exception, clinicians, groups, and virtual groups can request to have their MIPS performance categories reweighted—essentially opting out of some, if not all, reporting requirements for the year. 

EUC Application Process

MIPS participants can submit an Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances Application through the QPP website ( by following these instructions from CMS: 

  1. Register for a HARP account (i.e., an account through the QPP) if you don’t have one. 
  2. Sign in to the QPP website.
  3. Select “Exceptions Applications” in the navigation bar on the left side of the page.
  4. Select “Add New Exception.”
  5. Select “Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances Exception.”
  6. Complete and submit the application.

You’ll receive notification of your approval for an exception via email, or you can check by logging into the QPP website. If you’re approved, the approval will be added to your eligibility profile in the QPP Participation Status Tool. Also be sure that if you’re approved for an EUC exception you’re not submitting any data for the 2023 performance year, as that will override the exception.     

Automatic EUC Exceptions

There are instances when the EUC will be automatically applied to MIPS-eligible clinicians. CMS communicates that information through the QPP listserv, which you can sign up for at the bottom of the QPP website. CMS will also update this fact sheet to identify new events that have been added to the automatic exemptions list. 

Want More Information on MIPS?

This wraps up the Physical Therapist’s guide to MIPS. For more information, we have a MIPS guide available as a free download. You can also view additional online resources such as MIPS 101 or a deep dive on MIPS Quality Measures.


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