Blog Post

What We at WebPT are Thankful For

On this Thanksgiving Day, in an effort to give some insight to the people behind the scenes at WebPT, I wanted to share what we are thankful for.

Heidi Jannenga
4 min read
November 25, 2010
image representing what we at webpt are thankful for
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On this Thanksgiving Day, in an effort to give some insight to the people behind the scenes at WebPT, I wanted to share some things that we are so very thankful for.  In these times of economic struggle for many, it's important to raise the nose off the grind stone and reflect on the things that we have accomplished and are thankful for. For so such a simple question, the answers are many, both simple and complicated all rolled  into one.  Thank you to all of our current WebPT members and encourage you to share your positive experiences with others.

  We as a company are thankful for:

1.  The thousands of users that have helped and continue to help shape the WebPT product into the best PT centric EMR system available.

2.  The hard-working WebPT staff who have embraced our company culture, understand the dedication required for a start-up company and make coming to work fun anyday of the week.

3.  The opportunity presented in front of us with an untapped market of eager professionals that are hungry for the technology revolution we are ready to provide.

Personally I am thankful for:

1.  My husband Brad, whose patience, understanding, technical expertise and unconditional love has made working together so much easier than anyone could imagine.  With the opportunity to build and create something with your best friend from just an idea scratched on a piece of paper 4 years ago is truly amazing and still unbelievable at times.  His vision and entreneurship are truly inspiring.

2. Being parents to be!  Brad and I are expecting our 1st child in mid April.

3.  Family: Although my mom and dad live in Florida, we see them as often as possible; I am so thankful to have such loving supportive parents who enabled me to experience a childhood filled with culture, travel, and discipline; Brad's family lives here in the greater Phoenix area and its so nice to have family nearby;  the addition of my 16 y/o step-son Christopher this year has been so rewarding, he moved in with Brad and I this summer and although adjustment was required, he is a great kid and a joy to be around; and finally our dog Topper with his wagging tail and never ending shows of affection. 

WebPT employees are thankful for:

From Paul Fetters, Member Service Representative: "Difficult to put ones finger on only a handful of things. I would just say that I am thankful for my life. Friends, family, fiance, workmates, and bandmates. All of them are people that I love and cherish dearly, and I thank God daily that I was blessed with them all.  What an empty life I would have without all of them to enrich it every single day."

From Juanita Russell, Billing Service Specialist: "I am tremendously thankful for the opportunity to work with this young company WebPT.  Having the opportunity to excel in my billing experience is endless and exciting."

From Matt Wolach, Director of Sales: "I am thankful for: My two daughters who are so beautiful and loving; my friends and family who are so supportive, thoughtful and encouraging in good times and bad; the opportunity to work with good people in a fast-paced and fun environment at WebPT, living in a beautiful place like Arizona where the weather is amazing in the winter and bearable (barely) in the summer; being a part of a charity group ( the Scottsdale 20-30 Club) that raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for needy children every year; the chance to talk to people from all over the country every day; and my wife who is my co-pilot, sounding board, companion, love of my life, and best friend all rolled into one."

From Paul Winandy, newly appointed CEO: "I am thankful for: My supportive wife who tolerates my craziness, the smiles from my dogs when I come home from a long day at the office and  the opportunity to be a part of the great team at WebPT.

Happy Thanksgiving from WebPT!  Enjoy your day with family and friends!


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