4 Weird Ways Patients Are Finding Your Practice
If you're wondering how to attract more patients, check out these unusual patient draws. There's a few in there that may surprise you.

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Attracting patients can be a big struggle—one that, especially in smaller clinics, often leaves therapists and practice owners wondering exactly how to get more business. And although we’ve talked a lot about some common strategies you can use to lure in new patients (and retain old ones), there are some less-visible forces that could be pulling in a small portion of your patient pool. So today, we’re going to step away from more conventional digital marketing avenues—goodbye, search engine optimization and Google Ads—to focus on the truly weird ways patients are finding your practice.
1. Partner Marketing
Do you have friendly relationships with other local businesses? And if so, do you occasionally host events—or offer services—with crossover appeal? If so, you could be getting a small portion of your patients from those businesses’ marketing campaigns.
Say, for example, you host a free injury clinic at the local running store. You’ve hopefully promoted the event yourself, but it’s possible that the store promoted the event as well—maybe in its e-newsletter. Even if those newsletter recipients don’t attend your clinic, you’ve generated awareness in a previously unaware group of runners. And if they ever experience an injury, they’re much more likely to consider seeking you out.
Encouraging Cross-Promotion
The best way to encourage cross-promotion is to build strong relationships with local businesses whose customers overlap with your target patient population. So, if you want to get away from treating foot and ankle injuries, don’t team up with the local running store: partner with a local golfing association or tennis store instead. Then, plan events (e.g., free injury clinics or short educational lectures) that appeal to people who visit that local business—and who could potentially benefit from visiting your practice. If that effort is successful, talk to the business owner about hosting semi-regular events. Then, combine your promotional powers to market those events to your respective audiences.
3. Pinterest
Yep, that’s right. The website known as a place to create moodboards, find new recipes, and plan weddings could actually send traffic to your therapy practice’s website. Go figure! When dedicated pinners find content they like enough to repin, some search out the original board, or even the original pinner (you!).
If your profile has a link to your business’s website, then you could suddenly have a stream of pinners—who are specifically interested in your brand of rehab therapy—funneling into your site. WebPT even gets some traffic from Pinterest, which was what clued us into this unusual traffic driver!
Using Pinterest
There are two tricks that’ll help you increase your appeal to the Pinterest crowd. The first (and arguably most important) is to focus on pinning evergreen content—that is, content that remains relevant for a long period of time. If you pin something that isn’t time-sensitive—for example, a picture of you demonstrating your favorite spatial reasoning exercise, or a set of PT valentines—your content is more likely to attract repins over the long haul.
Second, remember that Pinterest is a highly visual social network, and as such, visually engaging content will encourage the most repins. In other words, use vibrant, eye-catching pictures that complement the message you’re trying to convey. So, if you’re posting about a great hamstring stretch, use pictures instead of lengthy text instructions.