Top 13 Blog Posts of 2013
The New Year means a lot of things—resolutions, gym-going, new Medicare regulations—but for the Internet, it means "best of" lists. See our best blogs, here

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The New Year means a lot of things—resolutions, gym-going, new Medicare regulations—but for the Internet, it means "best of" lists. From TV, film, and music to pop culture and the news, numerous websites are posting their rankings for all things 2013. Not to be left out, we here at WebPT thought we'd share our top blog posts of 2013. Here are our most popular posts as ranked by page views:
- Four Things You Need to Know About PT Salary
- Back to Basics: Functional Limitation Reporting G-Codes
- Medicare 8-Minute Rule: So Simple Yet Diabolically Complicated
- Functional Limitation Reporting: Patient Example
- 2013 Medicare Therapy Cap FAQ
- The Basics of Functional Limitation Reporting
- How to Bill for PT Assistants Providing Physical Therapy Services
- Breakdown of the 2014 Proposed Physician Fee Schedule Rule
- iPad and Tablet Apps for a Pediatric Occupational Therapist
- My Reaction to AB 1000 Passing
- February Medicare Webinar Q&A
- 8 Things You Need to Know Now About ICD-10
- Functional Limitation Reporting: Flowchart and SmartArt
I'm sensing a theme; our list is predominantly compliance-related. There's also a sprinkling of posts on billing, regulations, and technology. Speaking of technology, our most popular post of all time continues to be the Top 10 iPad Apps for Physical Therapists. At the rate technology moves, though, that post is probably due for an update. Looks like we've got a post idea for 2014! But enough of our ideas. What would you like us to cover on our blog this year? What topics are you most interested in? Share your thoughts in the comments below.