Top 10 WebPT Blog Posts of 2016
We've had a great year for blog posts and many have been very popular. Click here to see WebPT's top 10 2016 blog posts for PTs, OTs, and SLPs.

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’Tis the season for reflection. Here at WebPT, we like to spend some time at the end of every year appreciating the highlights—and learning from the lowlights—of the year before. Luckily, we’ve had a lot of wonderful things to celebrate in 2016, including publishing a whopping 221 blog posts for the nearly 6,000 rehab therapists who subscribe to our blog (and for even more providers who read our blogs but aren’t yet signed up for our weekly email digest).
Curious as to which of those posts were the most popular? We were, too, which is why, in the spirit of reflection, we compiled a list of 2016’s most popular WebPT Blog posts. No need to search our archives; we’ve got them all right here. So, take a gander, click the links, peruse the articles, and let us know if your favorite made the list. As always, we love hearing from our readers.
Without further ado, here are the top WebPT Blog posts of 2016:
1. CPT Update: Why the Valuation of the New PT and OT Eval Codes is Problematic
You already know that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) supports replacing the existing CPT codes for PT and OT evaluations and re-evaluations with a new set that conveys evaluation complexity. But, did you know that CMS’s decision regarding the valuation of those codes doesn’t align with the APTA’s original intentions?
2. Farewell, 97001: How to Use the New PT and OT Evaluation Codes
As of January 1, 2017, CPT codes 97001, 97002, 97003, and 97004 are no more—at least for HIPAA-covered entities. In this post, we explain everything PTs and OTs need to know about the new codes as well as how to use them properly.
3. We Are Not a Commodity: The Value of Physical Therapists vs. Physical Therapy
Physical therapists aren’t a service; they’re not a product; and they’re not a commodity. So, why does the industry allow that false perception to persist? Take a stand—and join the movement to end the commoditization of the PT profession.
4. My Evaluation of the New PT and OT Eval Codes
Curious about how WebPT President Heidi Jannenga feels about the new codes that will require rehab therapists to do more work for no more pay? Check out this post to find out.
5. The 8 Toughest Things You’ll Have to Do as the Boss
No one said being the boss was easy, but would you really have it any other way? Here are eight tough situations you must lean into—and let go of—in order to be the best leader you can be.
6. Top 10 Healthcare Podcasts for Physical Therapists
Podcasts are all the rage these days, so if you haven’t already found your favorite PT-themed ones, here’s a list of our top ten to keep you entertained and educated.
7. The Complete PT Billing FAQ
Every billing webinar we’ve ever hosted has always received a huge turnout—no surprise, right? After all, billing can be super complicated. Well, this post contains all of our frequently asked—and answered—billing questions.
8. The Ultimate Cash-Based PT FAQ
Thanks to ever-increasing insurance regulations, many rehab therapists are ditching their third-party payers and going the cash route. If you’re wondering what that might entail, check out this article, which covers all the ins and outs of running a cash-based practice.
9. Should You Trim Practice Expenses?
If you’re feeling the pinch of decreasing reimbursements and increasing regulatory requirements, you may be considering trimming practice expenses. But what if we told you there was a way to improve your cash flow without cutting anything at all? It may not be easy, but it’s possible.
10. ICD-10 Reboot: New Codes in Effect for PTs, OTs, and SLPs
ICD-10 went into effect in October 2015, but that code set was far from final. In June of this year, the CDC released its new 2017 codes, which went into effect on October 1, 2016. Check out this post to learn which code changes impacted rehab therapists.
Whether you’re a long-time reader or just stumbled upon our content recently, we’d like to thank you for your support—after all, writing is a lot less fun without an audience—and for continuing to ask great questions that challenge us to create even better articles. We wouldn’t be here without you.