Top 10 Blog Posts for 2015
We've had a great year full of blog posts to be proud of. We've picked our top ten favorites, here. Check out the top rehab therapy blog posts for 2015.

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Before we belt out our best renditions of “Auld Lang Syne,” light off fireworks, and make some new resolutions, let’s take a moment to look back at the top WebPT Blog posts of 2015. Grab a glass of sparkling cider, kick back, and relax—because you’re in for a treat. Here are the WebPT articles that rehab therapists read the most this year (based on page views). This list includes blog posts published between January 1 and December 21, 2015:

1. What’s Your ICD-10 Spirit Animal Code?
ICD-10 might not be all fun and games, but the adoption of this zany code set definitely allowed us to have some fun with providers as they prepared to make the switch. If you enjoy a good laugh—and you haven’t taken the quiz yet—then I highly recommend you do so. After all, doesn’t every healthcare provider need to know which ICD-10 code best fits his or her personality? (Result: W58.03XA, Crushed by alligator, initial encounter, anyone?)

2. 6 Things I Wish Anyone Would Have Told Me About Being a PT
Dr. Heidi Jannenga, WebPT’s president and co-founder, caused a stir in June 2015 with her monthly Founder Letter. In it, she explains that “until I actually became a PT, I didn’t understand what it really meant to practice physical therapy. A physical therapist not only treats a patient’s injury; he or she treats the whole person.” Her article goes onto explain everything she’s learned throughout her career, and her insight sparked a ton of great conversations throughout the physical therapy community.

3. What the Aftercare? How to Use Z Codes in ICD-10
One aspect of ICD-10 that threw a ton of rehab therapists for a loop was coding for surgical aftercare. As this blog post explains, "A simple mapping of the V57 series of codes found in ICD-9-CM over to ICD-10-CM is not possible, as codes that duplicate the V57 series currently are not included in ICD-10-CM classification." Translation: questions, and lots of ’em. In fact, if you scroll to the bottom of our article, you’ll see just how many questions—and answers—this post generated.

4. The Ultimate ICD-10 FAQ
How many ICD-10 questions does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Well, we received hundreds of questions throughout the transition. This post is a list of our most commonly asked ones.

5. ICD-Suspense: 20 ICD-10 Codes from Your Favorite Horror Films
If you’ve ever thought ICD-10 codes are a little macabre, you’re not alone. This post captures all the creepy codes—horror movie style.

6. ICD-10 Codes for Physical Therapy: Why You Shouldn't Trust Cheat Sheets
Back in September—when the ICD-10 transition was looming like a dark storm cloud on the horizon—this post explained exactly why you should stay far, far away from cheat sheets.

7. The 12 Codes of Christmas
The 12 codes in this post might not include a partridge in a pear tree, but they do give readers a glimpse into ICD-10 holiday mishaps.

8. The Ultimate ICD-10 FAQ: Part Deux
If WebPT’s first ICD-10 FAQ didn’t cover all of your questions, don’t fear: we created part deux to help you through. This follow-up FAQ post includes even more of the most common questions we encountered in the weeks and months leading up to the October 1 transition date.

9. ICD-10 Quick Clips: How to Find the Correct Diagnosis Code
Are you noticing a theme? ICD-10 was a timely—and popular—subject this year. This post is particularly unique because it’s part of a video series we created to help therapists with ICD-10. This clip guides providers through the process of quickly selecting the correct diagnosis codes.

10. ICD-10 FAQs
We posted this ICD-10 FAQ in early 2015, just as the volume of questions we received started to increase. This compilation is the predecessor to the Ultimate ICD-10 FAQ, the Ultimate ICD-10 FAQ: Part Deux, ICD-10 FAQ Part 3, and ICD-10 FAQ Part 4.
Looking for all of these inquiries compiled into one, neat, Lord of the Rings-themed PDF? You’re in luck. You can download the One ICD-10 FAQ to Rule Them All right here.
Popular Posts from the Past
Some of the WebPT Blog posts with the most views in 2015 didn’t make the above list because we actually published them prior to 2015. They include:

Four Things You Need to Know About PT Salary
This blog post is an oldie (circa 2013)—but it remains wildly popular among WebPT Blog readers. And the other specialty salary posts don’t fall far behind—in third and fourth place, respectively, are Four Things You Need to Know About SLP Salary and Four Things You Need to Know About OT Salary.

Understanding the ICD-10 Code Structure
Over the past several years, we’ve published a lot of blog content focused on ICD-10—all in hopes that we could help rehab therapists understand the complexities of the new code set and properly prepare themselves for the transition. This blog post covers the code structure on a granular level and breaks down:
- the order of characters,
- the tricky seventh character,
- best practices for using multiple codes, and
- other ICD-10 details for rehab therapists.
There you have it: an inside look at what rehab therapists were reading on the WebPT Blog in 2015. Ready for another list? I suggest perusing Dr. Heidi Jannenga’s 6 Predictions for 2016 to get yourself in the new year mood.
What’s your favorite WebPT Blog post from 2015? Share it with us in the comments section below. Thanks for reading, and have a great 2016!