Blog Post

Older Workers Bring Unique Workplace Pains

As our pop increases and workers find themselves living with pain caused by repitition over long periods of time, PT needs for this aging workforce grow.

Heidi Jannenga
1 min read
November 1, 2010
image representing older workers bring unique workplace pains
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As our population increases and workers find themselves living with pain caused by repeat behaviors over long periods of time, Physical Therapy needs for this aging workforce grow. Home and office exercise programs to develop new habits for these workers become a part of the documented care plan.

The American work force is in the midst of a monumental shift in the age of its workers as baby boomers enter their late 40s to early 60s. Between 2008 and 2018, the number of American workers ages 55 and older is expected to jump by 43%, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That age group will constitute nearly one-quarter of the work force by 2018. Although the demographics of the work force are changing, the physical realities of the aging process are, unfortunately, somewhat immutable. Workers who have often spent years in sedentary positions repeating the same tasks are experiencing the toll on their bodies more acutely as they age.


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