Blog Post

Founder Letter: Embrace Innovation

I’ve spoken on these topics before, and I’m sure I will speak about them again. Embracing innovation is key to success in the PT industry. Learn more here.

Heidi Jannenga
2 min read
August 6, 2013
image representing founder letter: embrace innovation
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In a few weeks, I’ll have the pleasure of speaking at American Express’s Journey of Innovation, where I’ll elaborate on how innovation has monumentally changed my life, how it influenced the WebPT company culture, and how it will continue to play a role in my future as well as WebPT’s. I’ve spoken on these topics before, and I’m sure I will speak about them again. After all, innovation is not only extremely important, but it’s also an integral part of my life—as I hope it is in yours. 

Of course, it hasn’t always played as big of a role in my life as it does now, but I’ve learned—the hard way—that you can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Health care in America seems to change daily, and as rehab therapists, we must embrace the changes and use innovative methods to reach our goals of providing exemplary patient care, achieving targeted outcomes, and running successful businesses—or risk getting left behind.

With this in mind, I’m excited about this month’s blog and webinar theme: innovation in rehab therapy. From new technologically-improved treatment methods and unique therapy business structures to alternative payment systems and refreshing marketing techniques, we’re highlighting all the ways our industry pushes the limits, evolves, and embraces different ways of thinking.

These stories are all about the trailblazers, and that’s what I really want to emphasize in this letter. History’s most revered leaders never accepted the status quo, and neither should we. So, rather than fear change—a sentiment to which, I’ll admit, we as a community have fallen victim to in the past—let’s set a new course. Let’s innovate.

When Brad and I created WebPT, we did so because we had a problem with no solution. WebPT was our answer for web-based, therapy-specific electronic documentation. Through innovation, we developed a (life-changing) solution—not just for us, but for thousands of therapists. The thought of this—of what we (WebPT and our Members) have achieved—takes my breath away. That’s the power of innovation.

What problems are you facing in your business, in your practice? Think innovatively, and you may just find your solution.


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