Evolve 2012: New York Recap
This week WebPT’s executive team headed to the Big Apple to meet and greet local therapists and host a half-day educational seminar. See our recap, here

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This week WebPT’s executive team along with our Director of Sales, Director of Billing, Member Liaison, and a few members of the marketing team headed to the Big Apple to meet and greet local therapists and host a half-day educational seminar.
WebPT Evolve 2012: New York was all about helping therapists take their clinics to the next level through sessions led by industry experts and WebPT thought leaders. At this half-day event, therapists did more than learn to grow their practice; they learned how to evolve it—and earned two CEU credits simply by attending.
Here’s what we covered:
The Evolution of WebPT
Heidi and Brad Jannenga, Co-Founders of WebPT, shared their story of creating the ultimate marriage of physical therapy and technology.
Billing: Ten Tips for Better Accounts Receivables Management
Robin Roach, CHBME, CMRS, and WebPT Director of Billing Services reviewed techniques for error-free claims and timely reimbursements. .
Comply or Die: The Evolution of Compliance in the Outpatient Physical Therapy Setting
Tom Ambury, PT and Chief Compliance Officer at The PT Compliance Group discussed implementing a comprehensive compliance strategy for your practice.
Get (Your Practice) In Shape For Tomorrow
Ian Kornbluth, PT, Neurac Specialist, and Owner of the Neurac Institute, explained establishing a sustainable practice.
WebPT 101: Tips and Tricks to Maximize Your Clinic
Jake Nero, WebPT Member Liaison, discussed best practices to improve your clinic's documentation efficiency.
Constantly Evolving. It's What WebPT Does.
Brad and Heidi Jannenga, Co-Founders, and Paul Winandy, Chief Executive Officer, explained what drives them to achieve greatness every day.
You can also check out a few photos from the event on our Facebook. Interested in attending an Evolve event in your city? Stay tuned! We’ll post our Evolve 2013 dates and cities next month.
Also this week, Brad Jannenga was named EHR Game Changer by HealthDataManagement.