Blog Post

Changes to PQRS Measures Specifications for 2014

On Friday, Medicare released the 2014 specifications for individual PQRS measures. There are a few noteworthy differences, which we’ve detailed below.

Charlotte Bohnett
2 min read
December 23, 2013
image representing changes to pqrs measures specifications for 2014
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On Friday, Medicare released the 2014 specifications for individual PQRS measures. Not much has changed compared to last year; however, there are a few noteworthy differences, which we’ve detailed below. (Please note that there weren’t any major changes for speech language pathologists.)

Measure 131: Pain Assessment
Physical and occupational therapists can now report this measure during re-evaluations (97002 and 97004). In 2013, they could only report it during initial evaluations.

Measure 155: Falls POC
In 2013, therapists had to document "Use of Assistive Device" in the plan of care. For 2014, however, therapists will instead document "Patient referred to his or her physician for vitamin D supplementation advice" in the plan of care. Essentially, you'll need to denote whether the patient discussed vitamin D supplements with his or her physician.

Measure 182: Functional Outcome Assessment
In 2013, this measure was only available to PTs, and we thought this rule would remain for 2014. However, we have great news: In 2014, therapists can report this measure for 97003 and 97004. Thus, it will be available to both physical and occupational therapists. Additionally, there is a new quality data code for this measure: G9277 (Functional Outcome Assessment Documented, Care Plan Not Documented, Patient Not Eligible). Therapists would typically use this code for a one-time visit.

Measure 246: Chronic Wound Care: Use of Wet to Dry Dressings in Patients
While physical therapists could report on this measure in 2013, it will not be available to them in 2014.

Have additional questions about PQRS? Watch our special PQRS webinar from last Friday.


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