Blog Post

Ascend 2016: Plan It to Win It Contest

Update: The contest has now closed. Thank you for participating. Click here to see more resources and stay tuned for our recap of the event!

Courtney Lefferts
1 min read
December 2, 2015
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Update: The contest has now closed. Thank you for participating.

What goes into planning the premier rehab therapy business summit? Well, it takes faith, trust, and just a little bit of pixie dust. Okay, so maybe that’s how Peter Pan helps his peeps fly. But even if hosting a successful event doesn’t require pixie dust, happy thoughts—and a ton of hard work—do help us plan. So, we want to hear your happy thoughts to help make 2016’s event fly off the charts. Just fill out a short survey, and we’ll automatically enter your name into our prize drawing for:

  • 2 tickets to the 2016 Ascend Business Summit (valued at $799 per ticket),
  • 2-night hotel stay during the event, and
  • $300 MasterCard gift card to put toward airfare. (You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!)

Hosting Ascend 2016 in Neverland might be out of the budget. But, we want to hear where you think we should take next year’s event. The contest runs through December 20, 2015. We’ll announce the randomly selected—and very lucky—winner at the end of January.


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