Blog Post

April Founder Letter: Take Your Practice for a Walk on the Green Side

With spring coming, now’s the time to shake off the winter doldrums and spring forward (see what I did there?) into new beginnings.

Heidi Jannenga
2 min read
April 2, 2013
image representing april founder letter: take your practice for a walk on the green side
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It’s April. And that means spring has sprung. Even though many across the country would argue that winter is still hanging on for dear life, the leaves will soon unfurl and the sun will shine. So what does this mean for you and your practice? It means now’s the time to shake off the winter doldrums and spring forward (see what I did there?) into new beginnings.

Spring means energy, vibrancy, and positivity, so be sure to channel all of that into bettering your clinic. Consider a spring cleaning day or some sprucing up to freshen your practice’s decor or layout. Perhaps you can start new wellness initiatives in your community—like a walking program, community gardening, or Pilates at a park. You could also start new initiatives internally—going all digital with an EMR, starting a recycling program, enacting a reward program to improve patient exercise compliance, or launching an incentive program to improve your front desk’s patient copay collection.

Or maybe, this spring is the spring to go green. For example, WebPT has an office recycling program that even includes recycling all our shredded materials. We also enacted a smoking cessation program to improve our health and clean our air. Lastly, we collect cloth grocery bags for our home-building efforts in Mexico with Next Generation Philanthropy.

What better time to go green than spring? April does hold Earth Day, after all, which is why we’re devoting this month to conservation and the environment. However, we’re writing these blog posts from a small business perspective, because ultimately, while we want everyone to play their part in protecting and bettering our planet, we also want any green initiatives to benefit your practice—and your patients.

So tell me. What green best practices do you have? What conservation or DIY tips do you recommend? What do you want to know about saving money and time while being environmentally conscious?


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