12 Things for Rehab Therapists to Read, Watch, or Listen to in 2020
Stuck at home? Put that time to good use with these awesome educational resources.

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If there’s one good thing that can be said about 2020, it’s that our newfound plethora of free time really lends itself to learning and self-improvement. When you’re stuck at home more often than not—and when mindless Netflix binging grows old—it’s a great time to pick up a new skill or absorb some knowledge. Perhaps you’d like to sharpen your clinical skillset—or simply pick up some general information to help you navigate our new virus-ladden world. If that’s the case, then look no further. We’ve curated a list of articles, videos, podcasts, and webinars to help you do just that!
COVID-19 Updates
2. How physical therapists can aid COVID-19 patients' recovery after ICU
Article on how PTs can aid in COVID recovery and paper by Healthcare in Europe and the Oxford Academic
Physical and occupational therapists may be uniquely positioned to help patients recover and rehabilitate from intensive COVID-19 care. According to the above-linked article, “At least half of all patients who survive treatment in an intensive care unit will experience at least one of a triad of problems associated with post-intensive care syndrome”—and COVID-19 is sending new patients to the ICU each and every day.
This paper, published in the Oxford Academic and sponsored by the APTA, delineates a framework for treating patients with post-intensive care syndrome (PICS)—and potentially patients who are recovering from COVID-19.
Telehealth Treatment Approaches
3. Crash Course in Teletherapy for Speech-Language Professionals
Video by The SLP Solution
Not all rehab therapists were eager to hop on the remote care train when it came barreling through the station, and even now, some may feel uncomfortable providing telehealth. That’s where this telehealth crash course from The SLP Solution comes in. The video walks SLPs (specially, those in pediatric care) through the basics of the telehealth process—from selecting a virtual care platform to providing an engaging appointment for young children. If you’re an SLP who needs one final push to enter the world of virtual therapy, this may be the perfect resource for you.
4. Sample OT Teletherapy Session
Video by The Stepping Stones Group
If you’re an OT who’s hesitant to leap into the world of remote and virtual care, then check out this mock pediatric OT telehealth appointment from The Stepping Stones Group. It runs through the motions of a full 20-minute appointment, showing therapists how to engage young patients and accomplish therapeutic goals while working within the confines of telehealth.
5. How to Conduct a Physical Therapy Telehealth Appointment
Article and video by WebPT
If you’re a PT who wants to provide telehealth—but you can’t figure out how to craft a successful telehealth appointment structure—then check out this article and video combo from WebPT. The article outlines, step-by-step, how to prepare and conduct a high-quality telehealth appointment. The video (embedded at the bottom of the article) presents an eight-minute mock telehealth appointment to demonstrate how PTs can use telehealth technology to coach their patients and provide exceptional therapy care from a distance.
Finance and Business Management
6. Federal Support for Small Business Owners and Independent Contractors Impacted by COVID-19
Article on federal support for small businesses during COVID by ASHA
The world has been changing at a breakneck speed, and the state of the economy has been tumultuous—to put it lightly. Luckily, the federal government has offered a handful of relief packages to help clinics stay on their feet. Check out this ASHA post to learn about forgivable loans and grants for small businesses, tax incentives, paid leave, unemployment insurance, Medicaid payments, and more.
7. From thinking about the next normal to making it work: What to stop, start, and accelerate
Article on adapting to the new normal by McKinsey & Company
The pandemic has rewritten many rules of business—forcing many companies (and clinics!) to reevaluate their day-to-day processes, trim down on unnecessary expenses, and adjust their employee management and engagement strategies. This in-depth article from McKinsey & Company is not targeted to healthcare leaders, per se, but it includes tons of actionable advice on how to adapt to our rapidly changing economic and professional environment.
Interpersonal Communication and Employee Relations
8. Structuring effective virtual meetings (some assembly required)
Podcast by Resilient
For the most part, rehab therapists are still in a position where they need to physically go into the clinic. But some therapists—along with other clinical and administrative personnel—may be working offsite to minimize exposure. Those folks must navigate the ins and outs of virtual meetings—the good, the bad, and the time-consuming. Check out this Deloitte podcast for tips and tricks on how to make your virtual meetings more effective for everyone involved.
9. Communications get personal: How leaders can engage employees during a return to work
Article on engaging employees during COVID by McKinsey & Company
This year has been tough on everyone. Tensions are high, there’s been a surplus of bad news, and Internet conversations, more often than not, take form as bitter and relentless arguments. In other words, the world is distracting right now, and it’s difficult for employees to focus at work. This article from McKinsey & Company outlines actionable strategies that clinic managers can employ to help engage their employees while remaining sensitive to the times.
10. COVID-19 Employer Advisory Session: Employee Mental Health & Wellbeing
Video by One Digital
This piece of media is a great companion to the article mentioned above. As I said before, this year has been tough on everyone. Not only are people distracted, but their mental health is also largely on the decline. This podcast discusses the effects of poor mental health in the workplace in addition to offering actionable advice on how to approach the delicate topic of mental health with employees.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
11. There is a Serious Problem with Diversity in Physical Therapy – Mark Milligan
Podcast by PT Pintcast
Diversity is a hot-button issue that evokes a lot of strong emotions and intense conversations. Though it can be difficult to discuss, we at WebPT still believe that it’s integral to address within individual clinics, the industry, and the country at large. With that in mind, we recommend this podcast from PT Pintcast. This quote from the episode sums it up nicely:
“We have to acknowledge that we—even though we may not see it, or we may have our own blinders on—we treat people differently in the clinic. And after a decade in the clinic, I’ve seen it. And I see the bias, or the blinders that providers put on. Like, oh, I didn’t—I don’t—I treat everybody the same. I challenge people to really question whether or not they treat everybody the same.”
12. Providing Informed Care to the Transgender or Nonbinary Patient
Webinar by EIM
Providing high-quality, evidence-based care is the hallmark of the rehab therapy profession—but some patients may need a different care approach than their peers. If you’re interested in learning about the needs of a unique subsection of patients, namely transgender and nonbinary patients, then check out this webinar from EIM. The smallest adjustment to your vernacular or treatment approach could totally change the outcome of your appointments with these patients—for the better.
Have you stumbled across any stellar tips and tricks that have helped you navigate this brave new world? We’d love to hear about them! Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section below.