Russell Olsen

Chief Product Officer

Russell is WebPT’s Senior VP of Innovation and Product Management. In addition to managing WebPT’s overall product roadmap, Russell ensures our team always delivers the highest quality solutions to our Members.

Russell Olsen professional headshot, who is a contributor at WebPT.

Russell Olsen joined WebPT in 2017. In this role, he is responsible for category design, product management, user experience, and product discovery—as well as applying disruptive innovation approaches to accelerate growth while solving customer and market problems. Russell brings with him deep experience in both healthcare and growth companies; over the course of his career, he has delivered innovations impacting millions of lives.Prior to WebPT, Russell was Vice President of Offering Management at Truven Health, an IBM Company. There, he led the integration of Watson and machine learning into the Truven payer portfolio. Prior to Truven, Russell inspired the creation of—and then launched—Watson Care Manager for IBM Watson Health across multiple markets. While at IBM, Russell also led many research initiatives and directed them to achieve commercial outcomes. Additionally, Russell led innovation and product management for Phytel, where he developed and orchestrated a product portfolio that resulted in the company’s growth and emergence as a market leader in provider-led population health as well as its ultimate acquisition by IBM Watson Health. Before that, Russell led MDdatacor to apply its NLP technology insight in support of PCMH and physician quality reporting. He began his career at Ernst & Young, supporting financial audits of Fortune 500 companies.Russell graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in electronics and information technology. He is passionate about disruption, behavior change, habit design, and integrated care models. He also has more than 10 years of experience as a youth basketball and soccer coach.

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