MIke Willee

Content Marketing Specialist

Mike Willee is a content marketing specialist for WebPT. He brings his passion for writing and curiosity to the task of helping rehab therapists achieve greatness in practice.

Mike Willee professional headshot, who is a contributor at WebPT.

Mike Willee is a content marketing specialist at WebPT. Prior to joining WebPT, Mike spent eight years writing extensively about law and legal tech for Traklight, LegalShield, Evolve Law and elsewhere.Mike graduated from the University of Toledo with a bachelor of arts degree in political science. A native of Ohio, Mike traded in humidity for a dry heat when he moved to Phoenix in 2014. When he's not writing, he's typically reading, hanging out with his nephew, and waking up too early for Formula 1 race weekends.

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two patients holding a physical therapist on their shoulders