Jason Tocci

VP of Business Development

Jason utilizes his vast medical operations experience to help hundreds of physical therapy clinics navigate an array of administrative processes, from starting up clinics to adding a clinic location or therapist.

Jason Tocci professional headshot, who is a contributor at WebPT.

Jason Tocci is the VP of Business Development at Rehab Medical Billing Services where he manages the credentialing department. Jason served six and a half years in the US Navy as an orthopaedic technician where he worked directly with orthopaedic surgeons. Upon completion of his military service, he received his bachelor’s degree in business management from the University of Phoenix.

The majority of his 30-year medical career has been spent managing orthopaedic practices as a C-level executive, which included managing the in-house MRI and physical therapy services across multiple locations. He specializes in operations and project management and was integral in implementing the first, single tax ID orthopaedic super group in Florida.Jason utilizes his vast medical operations experience to help hundreds of physical therapy clinics navigate an array of administrative processes, from starting up clinics to adding a clinic location or therapist.

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two patients holding a physical therapist on their shoulders