Courtney Lefferts

Content Producer

Courtney Lefferts was a writer, editor, and social media manager at WebPT until 2018. She spent six years working in the rehab therapy software space.

Courtney Lefferts professional headshot, who is a contributor at WebPT.

Courtney Lefferts was a writer, editor, and social media manager at WebPT until 2018. While she always knew she wanted to be a writer, her journey to authorship was far from traditional. Before working for WebPT, Courtney was a professional dancer, boasting more than 15 years of ballet experience. After facing a career-ending injury, she gleaned years of customer service experience from a wide array of jobs—from retail to the craft of croissant-making. It was this extensive customer service experience that led Courtney to WebPT in 2012. After becoming a rock solid WebPT application expert, she brought her love of writing full circle by accepting a position on the marketing team. After nearly seven years with WebPT, Courtney moved to Boston where she now does copywriting for other software companies.

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two patients holding a physical therapist on their shoulders