Aaron LeBauer

LeBauer Physical Therapy Owner

Aaron LeBauer, PT, DPT, LMBT, owns LeBauer Physical Therapy, which is a 100% cash-based physical therapy practice in Greensboro, NC. Find him online at www.LeBauerConsulting.com, where he enjoys sharing his experiences in cash-based physical therapy and helping other therapists find freedom in practice.

Aaron LeBauer professional headshot, who is a contributor at WebPT.

Aaron LeBauer, PT, DPT, LMBT, owns LeBauer Physical Therapy, which is a 100% cash-based physical therapy practice in Greensboro, NC. Find him online at www.LeBauerConsulting.com, where he enjoys sharing his experiences in cash-based physical therapy and helping other therapists find freedom in practice.

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two patients holding a physical therapist on their shoulders